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Email: ipmmp@uni-mb.si

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Cookies are used by most websites to provide a better user experience and ensure visit statistics monitoring. They are a convenient tool for keeping fresh and relevant content, which is in line with websites interests and preferences. The reason for using cookies on gemslovenia.org lies in collecting various statistics and online user statements - using them is the only way to monitor visit frequency of specific content sites. By using cookies we can assess the effectiveness of websites design and the relevance of content and advertising we offer to users on websites.

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A cookie is a small file, usually containing a sequence of letters and numbers, which is loaded on the user's terminal equipment (computer, mobile device, etc.). It allows to identify the user’s device when the connection between the Web server and the Web browser is restored. The main purpose of a cookie is to allow the Web server to present customized websites to the user in order to allow him to have a better personal experience when visiting the gemslovenia.org.

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List of cookies at www.gemslovenia.org:

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A better navigation on the site (a user remains on the same connection menu even when changing the language), temporarily data storage from website forms, functioning of some pop windows (pop-up), possibility of registration at the website.



Online statistics recording - recording and analysis of site visits (generally site visit counting, most popular subpages, visit source, browsers, screen resolution, etc.).



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Legal notes

While we do our best to ensure that all information on this website is correct and up-to-date, it is impossible to guarantee that this is always the case. We cannot accept responsibility for any information that may be outdated, may contain errors or omissions. The information is subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the improper operation and/or the availability of this site or for the reliance by any person on the site content. Should you have any further questions regarding these matters please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Unless otherwise specified, all material on this site is copyrighted and may not be used except as laid down in any other proprietary notice provided with the relevant material. The material contained on this site may not be downloaded or copied without written permission from the relevant copyright owner. All brand names and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. Should you have any further questions regarding these matters please do not hesitate to contact us.



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